Cabins, Ranks, and Recruits / Sig ups ^^

              Cabins, Ranks and Rookies

     There are a lot of cabins, here they are.

Thorns Cabin

Only the strongest, toughest recruits live here with their Cabin leader, Leader Esleck

Cabin Leader: Leader Esleck-

Tatshan Barcoil- Yellow Thorn
Orbal Radspcet- Floral Thorn
Stormaliea Tenthycun- Dark Thorn
Polycar Oasd - Sharp Thorn

Owl Cabin

Only the whip smart and greatest minded recruits live here with their leader, Leader Benchol

Leader: Leader Benchol

Batanly Wescot - Light Owl
Adreas Pikynoux - Fern Owl
Yundlia Reeedflen - Cunning Owl
Beenrydeea Fra - Quiet Owl
Cay Barloy - Shadow Owl

 Deer Cabin

The lower rankers and slower and quieter recruits live here; some who also have medical issues or are getting kicked out of the Metroid Program. They liv with Leader Dasf And Doctor Grenhouf.

Leader(s): Leader Dasf and Doctor Grenhouf.


Tang Forhouse - Pink Deer (born without an eye on the left)
Snysaf Wequb - Cruel Deer - (getting kicked out for cussing at General)
Cupyun Frins - Scrawny Deer
Phoy Shuon - Black Deer
Ber Feax - Sad Deer

Fire Cabin

For the people who suffered and are torn and tattered inside, and who have great potentials.
Leader(s): Teacher, General, and Leader Bloomha
Avonlea (Lea) Sheetlue - Star Fire
Leria Cartewhel - White Fire
Deaek Gertrolal - Spark Fire
Rerree Cadanot - Glitter Fire
                      Enter your character sign ups here! I will do an example.
Name: Leria Cartewhel
Rank: (well, it has to be recruit unless you wanna be an animal xD I will not enter that realm yet!)
Cabin: Fire Cabin
Code-name: White Fire (it has to be your choice of an adjective, or a noun and your cabin name.)
Strengths: (blah blah blah...)
Weaknesses: (blah.....)
Age: 12
How he or she gor signed up: (O.O you know, right?)
Back story: (... you have to know!)
Appearance: Blonde hair, blue/green eyes, the usual.. xD
Personality: Outgoing, strong, kind, and loving.
Friends: Avonlea Sheetlue & Deaek Gertrolal

1 comment:

Hey there fellow Metroids! General here! Since I am the Metroid ruler, and I am one of the best Metroids, I hope when you comment you will follow these rules!

1.) No swearing or cussing, we have some young recruits here!
2.) Please, don't be openly hating unless it is towards Space Pirates and other story related subjects.
3.) Do not ever press the big red button! If you press the button, our whole Metroid Database and training facilities EXPLODE O.O
4.) Never mess with Leria and Samus's feelings. Those girls are extra sensitive!

So.. follow these simple rules and I guarantee a long long life; for if you don't I will send random troops of Space Pirates to your direction and they will blow up your comment with laser beams. And after that, they will hack into your bank account and take all your money and stuff and eat it.. because they eat everything. They once ate one of my friend's ships. He was mad!

